

We are tackling the most pressing issues of our time. We are proud of our work, which enables people all over the world to communicate with each other, overcoming language barriers. Nothing is more essential nowadays, let’s stay united!


A good translation can only be carried out by a  professional translator who is a specialist in the field and who works into his or her mother tongue. A2MS relies on the professionalism and expertise of its team of more than 500 translators and guarantees the excellence of the work carried out.

Our office specializes in translation into Eastern European languages (Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech, Croatian, Serbian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Ukrainian, etc.), as well as Scandinavian (Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish) and Asian languages (Simplified/Traditional Chinese, Korean and Japanese), and of course Western European languages (English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish).


Whether you need a simple letter, a technical manual, a presentation for a conference or a website, A2MS provides you with the business translation services your company needs.


Professional translators, attentive to your needs.

Martine Filiptchenko
Martine FiliptchenkoFounder
Johan Lourens
Johan LourensManaging Director
Irina Chebotareva
Irina ChebotarevaProject Manager
Suzanne Azadeh
Suzanne AzadehProject Manager
Soukaina Rghibi
Soukaina RghibiProject Manager
Florine Bouveur
Florine BouveurProject Manager
Étienne Jédelé
Étienne JédeléAccount Manager